Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Strressful Week

Dear Uncle Max,

Tuesday I was minding my own business dreaming in my kennel when I felt the whole house move back and forth for about ten seconds.  There was no noise and nothing fell over.  I yawned and went back to sleep hoping nothing else would interrupt my rest. 

When my mom came back home we went for a long walk.  She said nothing about the shaking but there was an "aftershock" and when the ground moved mom suddenly reacted and said, "Whoa...!"  We had been through an "earthquake" together...more bonding. 

A few days later another crazy thing...a "hurricane."  It rained and rained for hours and the wind was blowing through the trees out back and I was frightened and barked, but I had to go out.  

The grass was tall and the ground was soggy and  I had to lift my leg to keep from getting my belly wet and my mom said I finally peed like a boy.  I couldn't wait to get back inside and shake the water off.  

Max, I hate to be thrown off my routine by these "natural disasters."

I have been biting my bone so feverishly that it is starting to look like one of those fancy ivory carvings I've seen on TV (I watch too much).  I need another rest.



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